Part 8: Food Chains Revisited
In Part 5, I wrote, Doing further harm to our understanding, he (Michael Pollan in “Omnivore’s Dilemma”) does not accurately report our connections and our relationships to ecosystems through food...
View ArticlePart 9: Cross Pollination
Pollan declares that he intends to take the “approach [of ] the diner as a naturalist might, using the long lenses of ecology and anthropology,” while employing “the shorter, more intimate lens of...
View ArticlePart 10: Relax with Michael Pollan
Michael Pollan comforts doubting carnists. He wants everyone to relax about the slaughter of individuals from other species. Aside from an occasional comment about his queasiness when he kills...
View ArticlePart 11: Dismissing Philosophers
Omnivore’s Dilemma continues its case against the vegan alternative worldview by telling us that animal advocates require sentience in nonhuman animals, and without sentience, we believe there is no...
View ArticlePart 12: The Philosophers Pollan Overlooked
The bias we find in Omnivore’s Dilemma ensures the arguments of vegetarians and vegans will look weak and the carnist omnivores’ positions look strong. For example, we should reject the book’s...
View ArticlePart 13: Pollanist Destiny
Michael Pollan wants us to believe that our predation on individuals from other species should exist in the future because it existed in the past, and that our current predation upon domesticated and...
View ArticlePart 14: You’ve Been Disregarded
Recall that earlier in his book, Omnivore’s Dilemma, author Michael Pollan saw nothing in the eyes of steer #534 (“As I gingerly stepped toward him the quiet shuffling mass of black cowhide between us...
View ArticlePart 15: Michael Pollan and His Omnivore’s Disappointment
It is our experience with nature, our increasing awareness of ecosystems, the operational norms of animal agriculture, and the sentient and non-sentient individuals under the yoke of carnism that lead...
View ArticlePart 16: Omnivore’s Dilemma / Where Animals are Plants
Series Summary In his previous book, Botany of Desire, Michael Pollan told the story of how plants like apple trees, marijuana, and tulips “thrived” because of humankind’s need and appreciation of...
View ArticlePart 7: Pollan’s Livestock Kills Ecosystems
In a summary of Livestock’s Long Shadow, the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN) “recommends a range of measures to mitigate livestock’s threats to the environment” that include “… land...
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